Advanced BASIS Course

Tutor: Debbie Wedge

Venue: Marsh Farm, Marsh, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP17 8ST

Course times:9.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Advanced BASIS Certificate Courses are independently examined by BASIS (Registration) Ltd. Exams consist of short answer papers and viva panel interviews.  Viva panels are made up of a BASIS chairperson and industry experts in the relevant crops. 

Each advanced BASIS module covers the agronomy and crop protection of particular crops in more depth than is possible on “BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection” Courses. Advanced BASIS involves a higher level of thinking and problem solving than Basis. A variety of participatory training techniques are used. 

Each Crop Module covers: 


  • Agronomic significance of varietal choice.
  • Rotational considerations
  • Establishment
  • Harvesting
  • Growth Regulation
  • Nutrition

 Crop Protection

  • Weeds; significance, identification, biology and integrated control
  • Pests; significance, identification, biology and integrated control
  • Diseases; significance, identification, biology and integrated control
  • Classification and modes of action of control products & techniques
  • Safe and effective application of Plant Protection Products
  • Resistance management

Crop Marketing

  • Implications for agronomy and crop production / crop protection

    Protection of People and the Environment and Good Agricultural Practice (GAP)
  • Legislation
  • Codes of Practice
  • Industry best practice

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