HACCPs (Hazard Analysus Critical Control Points)


This course has been developed for individuals with responsibility for HACCP Systems to help them understand practical Hazard Analysis. The intention of the training is not to give detailed technical knowledge, but to raise awareness of the potential hazards associated with food production and an understanding of how to control them. You will leave the course with the skills to write your own HACCP plan or contribute to an existing plan.

Course Pre Requisite: None but a good working knowledge of the food industry is beneficial.

Certificating Body: Vale Training attendance certificate.

Course Length: 1 day

Course Times: 9.30am to 4.30pm or to suite client.

Instructor: Various

Cost: £120 + VAT. Day rates are available.

Venue: Marsh Hill Centre, Marsh, Aylesbury. HP17 8ST or to suit client.

Maximum Trainees: 6

Course Objectives: Agricultural and Horticultural best practice demands an understanding of the potential hazards in food production and the analysis of the risk they pose to food safety. Through the use of hazard analysis the attendees will learn to control food hazards as part of a food safety management system. Candidates will learn how to produce a Hazard Analysis plan of the production of a food crop or product, and will be able to identify the range of potential hazards and take appropriate remedial actions. This is a course at supervisory and management level and provides a certificate of attendance and basic competence.

Course Content:

  • Identification of hazards and preventative measures
  • Identification of critical control points
  • Control at critical points
  • Monitoring systems
  • Appropriate corrective actions
  • Review procedures
  • Documentation
  • HACCP in relation to COSHH
  • HACCP in relation to the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974.

To book your place on a course, or for more information, simply contact us.

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