Safeguarding Children Young and Vulnerable People Policy


Purpose: This policy deals with the protection of all children, young and vulnerable people at Vale Training Services

Scope:Children and young people are defined as those under the age of 18 years. Vulnerable people are defined by those with registered learning, health or other recognised medical conditions.  This is not restricted to learners undertaking qualifications but will also include those students on courses and work placements and children and young or vulnerable people partaking in any activities relating to Vale Training Services.

Statement of Policy: Vale Training Services holds as one of its highest priorities the health, safety and welfare of all children young or vulnerable people involved in courses or activities which come under the responsibility of the College 

Vale Training Services will have a child protection policy and procedures in place, which is made available to all via website or by application.

Vale Training will operate safe recruitment procedures and make sure appropriate checks are carried out on staff and volunteers who work with children young or vulnerable people 

Vale Training will have procedures in place for dealing with allegations of abuse against members of staff and volunteers

Vale Training will provide a senior member of staff designated to take lead responsibility for dealing with child protection issues, providing advice and support to staff, and liaising with agencies. This will be the centre QA manager.

Vale Training will provide regular training to ensure all staff are aware of the arrangements for child young and vulnerable peoples  protection and their responsibilities .

Vale Training will undertake an annual review of its policies and procedures relating to safeguarding children and young people where action is required Vale Training will take the necessary action to include the involvement of other agencies, social services, parents, DBS, police other agencies, social services, parents, DBS, police etc. This will be undertaken in a formal manner and all actions recorded. Certificating bodies will also be notified.

Checklist: Impact on Students/Staff: Provides a safe learning/working environment for all students and staff Impact on Diversity: The basic requirement that children, young and vulnerable are kept safe is universal and cuts across cultural boundaries. Every child living in this country is entitled to be given the protection of the law regardless of his/her background (16.10 Victoria Climbie Inquiry) Impact on Health & Safety: Fundamental to health and safety and a safe learning environment Impact on Data Protection/Freedom of Information: Vale Training complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act, which allows for disclosure of personal data where this is necessary to protect the vital interests of a child Link with Strategic Plan: Providing a safe and inclusive environment for all children, young people and vulnerable adults Communication/Consultation Plan: The policy, procedures and guidelines will be communicated to staff through professional development sessions and made accessible the website. Student employers, parents will be made aware of policies via joining instructions. Process of review: This policy will be reviewed annually or with legislative changes and guidance and approved by the Governing Body Process of review of effectiveness: The Centre Manager has  responsibility for effective policies and procedures in place and monitoring the compliance with them. Legal authority: Working Together to Safeguard Children, April 2013 The Education Act 2012 The Children Act (2004) The Children Act (1989) Responsibility for maintaining this policy rests with: Vice Principal: Learning and Quality

Adopted October 2016

Reviewed July 2020