NPTC Transportation of Livestock Qualification


This qualification is for those involved in the transportation of animals by road on short journeys (over 65km and up to 8 hours duration) or over 8 hours (long journeys) and will meet the requirement for a Certificate of Competence outlined in the Council Regulation (EC) No1/2005 on the Protection of Animals During Transport and the Welfare of Animals
(Transport) Order 2006.

Assessment prerequisite: None but delegates must be over 16 years of age

Certificating Body: NPTC

Assessment Length: Short Journey - 1 hour on line assessment. Long journey - 1 hour on line assessment followed by practical assessment (additional 2.5 hours)

Assessment Times: to suit client.

Assessors: Various

Cost: £80 per species per delegate.

Venue: Marsh Hill Centre, Marsh, Aylesbury. HP17 8ST or to suit client

Maximum Trainees: 1 to 1

Assessment only. Training is available if required and is delivered by home learner packs which are either emailed or posted to candidates prior to assessment. Please be aware that this qualification is species specific and we will require this information at the time of booking. More than one unit can be registered per delegate but these are charged and taken as individual units. 

The species sections are:

  • Cattle
  • Cattle and Sheep
  • Sheep
  • Pigs
  • Goats
  • Poultry
  • Horses
  • Game Birds

There are two assessments available for the transportation of live stock and again these are taken per species required. 

  1. Transportation of livestock (short journey) for journeys over 65km and under 8 hours in duration (online test).
  2. Transportation of livestock (long journey) for journeys over 65 km and over 8 hours in duration (practical assessment).

Delegates will be required to have an understanding of the following

  • Legal requirements and responsibilities
  • Responsibilities when transporting animals
  • Planning a journey by road
  • Suitability of the vehicle
  • Checking animals fitness to travel
  • Causes and signs of stress in animals
  • Space allowance and stocking densities and segregation requirements
  • Handling and animal welfare in transit
  • Post-journey requirements

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